Teams and Clubs

At BPS there is always something going on!



Drawing Club

Grades 4-5

Thursdays at 2nd recess in Portable 3

-follow-along with guided drawing lessons to hone their skills 

-students can also volunteer to lead a lesson

Primary Math Games Club

Wednesday morning Recess, grades 1-3

Junior Math Games Club

Tuesday morning Recess, grades 4-6

Grade 5/6 Dance Club

A space for students to learn dance choreography and try their hand out in being a choreographer

Pack Leaders 

A club that is open for grade 6s to provide them with leadership opportunities. They help plan spirit days and bingo games and other special events to help make their last year at BPS one they will always remember.

Grade 3 and 4 Puzzle Club

For students who enjoy working on a puzzle


Current Sports Teams


Tier 1 Boys, gr.6 

Tier 1 Girls, gr 6 

Tier 2 Boys, gr 4-5 

Tier 2 Girls, gr 4-5

Tier 2 Boys tournament Feb 12

Tier 2 Girls tournament Feb. 13